Personal Training
Specialized one on one boxing training
to upgrade your performance
4 Key Steps To Success
Get guided training that’s broken down for you to achieve and understand your goals. Invest in your physical fitness through specialized workouts and carefully constructed meal plans.
1. Consultation/Evaluation:
Determine your fitness level, where you are, and what training will be best for you.
2. Goal Building:
Create a plan that’s tailored for you, and sets guidelines and goals. This includes your workout and meal plans.
3. Execution:
A 6 week process where we work towards your goals with guided support and encouragement. Be kept in check so that you accomplish what you set out to do.
4. Re-evaluation
After 6 weeks either continue on your goal or set new ones. Understand what could have been better and what was done well, so you can continue improving your health and fitness.
If you’re ready to take the next step towards your fitness goals, then let’s get started. I offer quality training for fair and pricing because my goal is for you to succeed.
Message to inquire on pricing